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Park Geun-hye's Conviction and Talks of Possible Pardon

On January 14, 2021, South Korea’s Supreme Court upheld former President Park Geun-hye’s 20-year sentence on charges of corruption and abuse of power. This is quite a milestone, as the charges against Park are finally being brought and approved. That evening, the Blue House issued a statement on the verdict: “such an incident must never happen again, taking...

Konstantin Asmolov

Iran Hijacking a South Korean Tanker

On January 4, 2021, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC boats detained a South Korean-flagged vessel in the Strait of Hormuz. According to Iranian agencies Tasnim and Fars, the South Korean tanker MT Hankuk Chemi, which was going from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates, is now in the port of Bandar Abbas on the southern coast of Iran. There...

Konstantin Asmolov

Iran's Warning to US-funded Agitators

CNN would report in its article, "Iran executes dissident journalist Rouhollah Zam," Iran's swift and severe punishment for what the American media company suggested was "alleged attempts to overthrow" the Iranian government. CNN glosses over Iran's claims that Zam and his media operation helped incite deadly violence during protests targeting...

Tony Cartalucci