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China-US Relations At An Impasse

The Trump administration’s policies in recent years have brought relations between Washington and Beijing to the brink of a cold war, currently experiencing the most serious crisis in decades: a trade war, ever-expanding sanctions, and an escalating military confrontation. Washington’s attacks on Chinese tech companies have become almost daily...

Vladimir Danilov

The US Retaliates After Being Kicked Out of Libya

The Democratic Party of the United States, having regained power in the country with the arrival of Joe Biden to the White House, immediately began not only to twist the former decisions of Republican President Trump, but also to return the “victory gains” acquired during the time of President Obama. It’s not that hard to do today, especially since back in 2009-2017, Joe Biden...

Vladimir Platov

On the Events in Myanmar

A state “somewhere in Asia” with the modern name “Myanmar” is rarely the subject of worldwide media attention. And if it has become the focus of attention for some time (in connection with certain events that took place in this country on February 1 this year, then a very general explanation is required regarding the object of the sudden global uproar. So, located in the west...

Vladimir Terehov