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The Significance of China Surpassing US as EU's Top Trade Partner

Over the course of last year, China surpassed the United States as the European Union's top trade partner. It was significant news and noted as such across Chinese media. But in the West, this news was somewhat muted. One of the few articles featuring this news comes from Politico titled, "China topples US as EU’s top trade partner over...

Brian Berletic

Life in Debt in the Former Soviet Space

The world is standing on the edge of a very real debt pit: according to calculations of the Institute of International Finance (USA, the total world debt is approaching $275 trillion, or 365% of world GDP. Because of the high level of debt of governments, businesses, and the population, the world economy is on the brink of a massive crisis. The problems...

Valery Kulikov

Defense and Military Industry Development in South Korea

In February 2021, the Defense Industry Promotion Act came into force in the ROK, requiring the government to prioritize domestic manufacturing. South Korea has allocated 176.6 billion won ($159 million to support the defense industry, a sharp jump from 93.8 billion won in 2020. The government will spend 49.6 billion won to support defense exports, up from 43 billion...

Konstantin Asmolov