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Israeli Elections are Weeks Away - Will Anything Change?

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~ Tolstoy The clock is ticking away on the temporary Prime Minister marriage between Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, which has not turned out to be a honeymoon for Mr. Gantz. Netanyahu, the well-seasoned politician who can think several moves ahead in political chess...

Jim Dean

Miracles of Sloppiness, or Another Ode to “Locked Borders”

On the morning of February 16, 2021, a “suspicious man” was detained near a military checkpoint on the eastern segment of the inter-Korean border. According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of Korea, the intruder was detected by a video surveillance camera. He was moving south near a military checkpoint located...

Konstantin Asmolov

Saudi Arabian-American Information Storm

It appears that another scandal is brewing between Washington and Riyadh in which President Joe Biden wants to demonstrate his superiority over Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. The fact is that in late February, the US National Intelligence Agency published a report claiming that the operation, which resulted in the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi...

Viktor Mikhin