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The Taiwan Issue Remains a Major Thorn in the Side of US-Chinese Relations

The current state of the Taiwan problem has always been a good indicator for assessing the situation, both in the Indo-Pacific region as a whole and in relations between the two leading world powers, the United States and China. Meanwhile, a number of noteworthy recent events, which in one way or another affect this problem, point...

Vladimir Terehov

Two Parallel Visits, or “We’ll Dance with Both of You”

Two important visits took place on April 2-3, 2021, the combination of which perfectly illustrated the difficult situation in which Seoul finds itself amid the standoff between Beijing and Washington. On the one hand, the US is South Korea’s main military and political ally, and the policy of rebuilding alliances that the new President Biden has addressed is trying to further strengthen...

Konstantin Asmolov

On the Japanese Prime Minister’s Trip to the US

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s visit to the United States on April 16-17 this year and his talks with President Joe Biden were quite remarkable for a number of reasons. The main results of this event are outlined in the Joint Statement published on the White House website. The document consists of a preamble and three named sections. At the outset...

Vladimir Terehov