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Iran: What Exactly is going on Inside the Country?

An audio recording of what some experts believe to be a secret speech by Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was shown on a Persian news channel in London. The audio culminated with his criticism of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC and their late commander Qassem Soleimani.  The leaked tape is believed to have been aimed at undermining any hope...

Viktor Mikhin

Why is Saudia Talking to Iran?

In May 2017, when Saudia’s crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS was asked about prospects of direct talks with Iran, he rejected any possibility of such a venture. Back then MBS was politically strong, he was a lot more acceptable in the West, especially the US, and he could, at least in his own calculation, have his cake and eat it too vis-à-vis Iran. As such, back then MBS was more than ready...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The British Costs of the War in Afghanistan

On April 29, the US and NATO countries began withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, ending a military campaign that had lasted nearly 20 years. The US and Britain began and led a military operation “Enduring Freedom” against the Taliban after the organized by al-Qaeda (banned in Russia terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 and the refusal...

Vladimir Odintsov