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Can the Change Coalition end Bibi’s Reign?

When I was trying to keep up with Israeli political news over the last month, the last thing I expected to see was a coalition of factions who beforehand would have had nothing to do with each other politically, other than being determined opponents. The only likely political glue I could see that would account for the miracle was their shared hatred of Netanyahu to the point...

Jim Dean

On Pakistan’s Current Foreign Policy Course

The recent attention to Pakistan in describing aspects of the current stage of the Global Game is understandable. As one of the two “de facto” nuclear powers (along with India, Israel’s status, in this case, being labeled “volatile,” Pakistan occupies quite a distinctive place at the world’s gaming table, specifically, in the format of the China-US-India triangle, where one of...

Vladimir Terehov

The Maldives are Sinking, What Can be Done About It?

Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the Republic of Maldives spends about 10 million USD annually on building dams and work to reinforce its shorelines. However, according to the assessment done by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology in this state, the country needs to invest up to 9 billion USD to protect its islands from the risk...

Petr Konovalov