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Hate Speech on China

In previous texts, we have mentioned a strong anti-Chinese trend in contemporary South Korean propaganda, especially coming from “social organizations” that portray the full-time Voice of the People. At the same time, the propaganda aims to foster domestic disgust toward the Chinese, and any attempt to show something Chinese positively becomes an occasion for public criticism. The most...

Konstantin Asmolov

Iranian-American Talks in Vienna: What to Expect from Them?

In its Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, the Joe Biden Administration warned ambiguously that Iran “might get a technology that would be a potential game-changer.” As the negotiating parties work to resolve critical issues in the Vienna nuclear talks, the US is redoubling its efforts to prevent the Iranians from acquiring such...

Viktor Mikhin

China’s Space Program Makes its Mark

China’s growing technological prowess is on clear demonstration not only across telecommunication markets around the globe, but high up above it, in space. China’s space program overseen by the China National Space Administration (CNSA has this year made several landmark accomplishments. It began the construction of its own space station. Called Tiangong...

Ulson Gunnar