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US-Taiwan: West’s Last Foothold in China

In Washington’s ongoing and ever-growing confrontation with China, it continues to place pressure on Beijing over Taiwan. However, as China continues along a path soon to exceed the US economically, militarily, and technologically, Taiwan’s reintegration as part of a single China is all but inevitable. Recently introduced legislation attempting to reinforce...

Brian Berletic

The Golden Key or Moon Jae-in’s Adventures in Europe

The foreign policy activities implemented by the South Korean president often evoke a mixture of irony and tender feelings in this author, and Moon’s trip to Europe - the highlight of which was his presence at the G7 summit as a guest of honor - is a good indicator of the level of work performed by South Korea’s foreign ministry. Back on June 8, speaking at a meeting...

Konstantin Asmolov

No Breaks in the Games around Taiwan

The title of any text always and inevitably reflects its main content in the “by and large” format. In doing so, important “details” are labeled as they are written. In the global political game, “by and large” the branch that develops “around” Taiwan is gaining importance. The leading players here are China, the United States, and Japan. Although, some others might be considered “coming up...

Vladimir Terehov