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Situation in Yemen is Detoriating Rapidly

While the US is spoiling its relationships with Russia over Ukraine and, at the same time, keeps on losing its positions in Iraq and at the Middle East, the opposition Houthis forces in Yemen have started a major advance in the Sana'a...

Viktor Titov

Yemen: First Steps towards National Reconciliation

The third anniversary of the revolution was celebrated in Yemen recently, and public demonstrations were held in the capital city of Sana’a on this occasion. Participants of the celebration recalled the events of 2011, when a civil war began in the country...

Konstantin Orlov

Yemen’s Uncertain Future

In stark contrast to the current events in Syria, Iraq, Libya or Europe, there are rarely any news about the situation in Yemen within the news feeds of international media. However, this is not an indication that the events in Yemen are somehow insignificant on a regional scale. On the...

Viktor Titov