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The Houthis in Yemen have Taken Power into their Own Hands

Houthis confidently continue strengthening their positions in Yemen. On February 6, they adopted a constitutional declaration, which strengthens, politically, their power established by means of force. In the opinion of...

Viktor Titov

Yemen: The Struggle Lies Ahead

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC condemned the coup in Yemen, the Kuwait Times reported, with a reference to a statement from the Council. "The coup marks a grave and unacceptable escalation of violence and endangers the security, stability, sovereignty and...

Viktor Mikhin

Yemen: The Start of the Houthi Offensive

As the security situation in Yemen deteriorated further in late December, the gap between leading political forces became even deeper, as political parties started to voice a desire to replace President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a leader that had been deprived of any real political...

Alexander Orlov