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Reforms and Turkish Kurds

Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP not only aims to strengthen its positions, which were pretty shaken in June this year during the riots against the government's policy aimed at the Islamization of society, but also to expand its area of influence by attracting...

Olga Zhigalina

Turkey's Islamists and the military

A trial of a group of the former military has started in Turkey. They are accused of the overthrow, in the course of the bloodless coup in 1997, of the Islamist government led by Prime Minister N. Erbakan's Refah Partisi (Welfare Party. Later, it was banned by the country's Constitutional Court...

Yuri Kirillov

Turkey and the Countries of the Region

Ideological battles for development form of States in current world political conditions are continuing in the Middle East. The dispute on the possibility or impossibility of introducing Islam in politics, as well as on the interaction of religion and politics…
Vladimir Avtakov