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Erdogan Blethers

On April 24, Armenia will hold events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Similar events will also be held, as experience suggests, in all the countries and cities where there are at least a small Armenian community. Today...

Andrey Belyaev

Turkey Deserves Better

A bitter war is raging inside Turkey that pits Fetullah Gülen, the nominal head of a multi-billion dollar movement known as Cemaat, (The Movement in Turkish, against the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his political party, AKP. Gülen’s followers claim he is a great Islamist...

F. William Engdahl

Turkey, the Fair Weather Friend for the Foulest Reasons

Turkey is in the news a lot nowadays. A growing economic and political power, it has always been a necessary focus of strategic interest, given its location. At the same time, Turkey has always been seen as a problem. European nations are scared of a Moslem nation, whose...

Henry Kamens