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Oil Tests May Prove One Test Too Many for Erdogan

Before oil is sold, it is tested. Oil test labs know exactly where the oil they test comes from and where it goes. We knew this even before the Las Vegas Sun broke a story about it. But even though this story provided confirmation that there is...

Henry Kamens

What Fate Awaits Turkey?

It is now clear that Tayyip Erdogan's political career is heading to a closure, slowly but surely. He had a chance of saving it if he had the courage to immediately offer his apologies to Moscow after the downing of the Russian Su-24 bomber over Syria, that was...

Petr Lvov

Mad King Erdogan’s Oil Lies

Erdogan is claiming he stole no oil. He has threatened to resign if he receives proof. There is little doubt that Erdogan is insane, those who have been watching his dance of death with ISIS have known this all along. However, while Erdogan talks only of oil, there are other issues to note...

Gordon Duff