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Could the Fall of Khan Shaykhun begin the End of Jihadi Idlib?

As I began typing this new NEO submission reports were coming in that SAA forces and its allies had cut the M5 road to Aleppo just north of Khan Shaykhun. Reports are now coming in that Syrian troops are not just blocking the road, but attacking southward down highway...

Jim Dean

Turkey & the US: Far from Allies in Syria

The recent agreement between the US and Turkey regarding the creation of a “safe-zone” in Syria notwithstanding, the underlying divergence of interests between the two countries continues to exist in a far more explicit way than meets the eye. As such, while the agreement apparently seems to imply that both NATO-members have…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US-Turkey Showdown on Kurdish Security Zone

We have all been here before. Turkey has troops lined up on the Syrian northeast border and announced it will proceed alone with its incursion against the Kurds if it does not get cooperation with the US. After three days of negotiations we have a report that an agreement to form a joint command operation center has been agreed upon...

Jim Dean