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Erdogan is the First to Put Western Ambassadors in their Place

Recently, Western ambassadors, led by their respective governments, but mainly by Washington, began to interfere in the internal affairs of the states that accredited them. They impose the Western nations’ will and attitude, demonstrating the alleged firm hold and power the collective West has over other nations. Through their actions...

Vladimir Platov

Erdogan Rushes to Form a Broad Coalition of pro-Turkish Forces

Amid the failure of US policy and credibility and the decline of the European Union’s role in international affairs and relations with the United States, Turkish leader Erdogan is rushing to build a broad coalition of pro-Turkish forces in Central Asia and the Mediterranean. He emphasizes strengthening his influence in Central Asia...

Vladimir Odintsov

Disappointed by Biden, Turkey Eyes Closer Ties with Russia

Amid the on-going explicit shift in the US foreign policy away from its decades old focus on the Middle East to Southeast Asia to counter what it considers the biggest challenge to the US in the 21st century i.e., China, profound changes to the US ties with many states in the Middle East/Gulf, including its old allies, are taking place. The US withdrawal...

Salman Rafi Sheikh