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Whenever There's Militants, There's Turkey

Turkey has recently been receiving a considerable amount of attention in the publications of various media outlets. However, much of the reporting revolves around the attitude of Ankara and the Turkish president himself towards various armed conflicts, where Turkey still plays a major role. One example of this is the Turkish leader’s offer to mediate...

Vladimir Platov

Erdogan Prepares for Yet Another Presidential Term

The next Turkish general elections are scheduled for June 2023. The incumbent Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to run as a People’s Alliance presidential candidate, a coalition that had been formed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power since 2003...

Vladimir Odintsov

The Uneasy Balance of the US-Turkey Relations is getting Tilted

The relations between Ankara and Washington have for many years now been characterized as a  “fragile equilibrium.” Back when Erdogan just came to power, the US supported his Justice and Development Party, which, however, over time stopped being an American project and gained independence. Barack Obama, for instance...

Vladimir Odintsov