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Russia Closes Syrian Skies for Israel

For a long time, Russia and Israel avoided clashes in Syria, where their interests overlap. After Moscow introduced its forces into Syrian territory in 2015, it took into account Israeli interests related to the security of the Jewish state. Israel appreciated Russia’s position and tried to make the best of the situation by avoiding clashes of Russian-Israeli interests in Syria...

Vladimir Platov

Afghan Fiasco Caught Up with the US in Syria

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC estimates that during the 10 years of war in Syria 36% of the country’s 18 million inhabitants have lost their homes, 6.6 million people have become internal refugees, and 13.4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. More than 5.6 million people have left Syria since 2011. The ongoing war in Syria...

Vladimir Danilov

A Decade On: West's War on Syria Continues

As Syrian elections approached, the US, France, and Germany  worked together to undermine them.  This was not because they truly believed the elections weren't “free and fair,” but simply because there is no possibility for their client regime of choice to come to power. This is despite these same Western nations - hand-in-hand - lecturing the world about “democracy...

Brian Berletic