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Europe Helps US Destroy Libya, Now Blames/Sanctions Russia

The EU has leveled sanctions against Russia for - among other things - "meddling" in Libya's ongoing civil war. AFP in its article, "EU sanctions senior Putin aides over Navalny, Libya," would claim: The EU said Wagner had committed "multiple and repeated breaches" of a UN arms embargo on Libya, where Russia has backed warlord Khalifa Haftar in his...

Tony Cartalucci

The Libyan Conflict Takes an Alarming Pause

Despite the fact that there are no messages that would cause any alarm from Libyan media outlets in recent days, the situation in this country is still far from normal, but rather has only taken a temporary (and alarming pause. According to reports from Libya Al Ahrar TV channel, the split in Tripoli has become even more pronounced due to the talks being held...

Valery Kulikov

The Libyan Crisis is Now at a Crossroads

The disastrous crisis in Libya, which either seems to die down or explode with combat operations, continues to alarm the world community and be a bane for North Africa. But recently, both the world community and the Libyans themselves have taken a number of measures that, if they are executed precisely, may lead to a more peaceful situation in this turbulent country...

Viktor Mikhin