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Can Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Lead Libya, and in What Direction?

After the events of 2011, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was not only overthrown but also brutally murdered, Libya effectively ceased to exist as a single state, continuing to be a tidbit for businesses and outside players. In a struggle between two quasi-states inspired by themselves, these competing outside players have long tried to seize power in the country...

Vladimir Odintsov

A Political Test for the New Libya

On December 24, 2021 Libya will hold general presidential and parliamentary elections.  These elections may do a great deal to restoring the authority of the Libyan state, which has been weakened by the tensions that persist despite the attempts to minimize the impact of the conflict, already several years old, between the country’s two main political powers. But both...

Valery Kulikov

Has the Muslim Brotherhood Allowed Turkey to Expand its Foothold in Libya?

It is common knowledge that in recent years, Libya has become a camp of sorts where units of practically all leading terrorist organizations are stationed. And each of them wants its share of influence in this country. One of the key destabilizing elements is the presence of members of the Muslim Brotherhood movement...

Vladimir Odintsov