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Mosul Offensive Reveals Larger Geopolitical Game Plan

Iraqi and Kurdish forces, backed by US-led airstrikes and British and French special forces, launched coordinated military operations early on Monday as the long-awaited fight to wrest the northern city of Mosul from...

Seth Ferris

The Disastrous Affair: Thirteen Years Later

Indeed, there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed. A report was released on June 06, 2016 about Great Britain’s involvement in the March, 2003 military campaign launched by the U.S. against Iraq, based on the supposition...

Veniamin Popov

The Conflict in Iraq Takes a New Shape

On May 23, the Iraqi government army and militias supported by the Iraqi Air Force and the aviation of the US-led coalition began an operation to liberate the city of Fallujah (50 km to the West of Baghdad in the Anbar Province...

Viktor Titov