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Iraq is on the brink of collapse

The situation in Syria, where the violent conflict between the Bashar al-Assad regime and the armed opposition, which is half composed of foreign mercenary terrorists in the pay of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, has significantly overshadowed events in Iraq that…
Petr Lvov

The Situation in Iraq Is Getting Complicated

Once again we see that Washington’s carefully prepared operation to partition the world is having an outcome that the American puppeteers could hardly have expected. The US troop withdrawal from Iraq in late 2011 should have helped consolidate Iraqi society,…
Stanislav Ivanov

Who Will Come after the Exodus?

On the morning of Sunday, December 18, 2011, the last 500 American troops crossed the border into Kuwait after the bulk of the 150,000-strong US force had completed its withdrawal. There was neither jubilation nor rousing welcomes. Just the gloomy and depressing...

Marina Rogova