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A Strange Tale About ISIL/ISIS

Never has a group been more secretive, more “capable,” even to the point of violating physical laws. They have money when there is no money; they have fuel when there is no fuel. They get floods of new recruits when all borders are sealed, even refugees...

Gordon Duff

ISIS: America's Terrorist Mercenaries

Generally historical revision takes place long after events unfold and the victors attempt to bury humiliating or inconvenient truths. Today, in the age of information, these would-be victors are finding it increasingly necessary to revise history in real-time through...

Tony Cartalucci

ISIS - an Anti-Shia Political Tool

In recent days, the Iraqi army has success- fully executed a number of strikes against ISIS. Most importantly, Iraqi regular troops have managed to push the Sunni Islamists back from Baghdad, clearing the International Airport and western suburbs near...

Petr Lvov