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Iran refrains from direct military intervention in the Israel-Palestine conflict

The military battle between the Palestinian Hamas and Israel remains a prominent matter of international concern. Despite the chaotic process of building conditional blocs of pro- and anti-Israeli forces, the armed conflict is yet to result in lengthy political discussions with an undetermined end. The West, led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and leading EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, and others), has unambiguously sided with Israel in this conflict, accusing Hamas of terrorism. Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak visited Israel to pledge their political and military support for the Jewish…

Alexandr Svaranc

Iran-USA: two visions of the same policy

Iran has suspended a number of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors assigned to it last month for their “hostile political behaviors,” said Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). In clarifying this point, to exclude any other interpretation of this step on the part of the Iranian authorities, Mohammed Eslami detailed: “The expelled inspectors were from the three European countries that have often displayed hostile political behaviors and therefore, we removed the inspectors from those countries”. No sooner had the Iranian government made such a decision, as immediately, as if by magic…

Viktor Mikhin

Russia and Iran are shaping a new reality in the Middle East

The Middle East continues to be one of the most important strategic areas in the globe, drawing the attention of the major powers in the world due to its geographic significance and a number of internal inconsistencies. Although, of course, not all of the nations in the region have an adequate supply of these kinds of strategic raw materials, the terms “Middle East” and “rich in oil and gas” are sometimes seen as interchangeable. The majority of the world’s oil reserves, or around 66.5%, are in Middle Eastern nations like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait, each of which has proven oil reserves above 100 billion barrels. In other words…

Alexandr Svaranc