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South Korea

On South Korean Justice

Continuing to follow the high-profile trials in the Republic of Korea (RK, I would like to draw your attention to three points. The first point is the completion of “the case of an attempted coup”, following which lawmaker Lee Seok Ki, the alleged leader of the coup...

Konstantin Asmolov

Results of the first year of Park Geun-hye's presidency

It has been a year since Park Geun-hye became President of the Republic of Korea (RK. Although the year was spent in expectations and personnel changes that are so typical for South-Korean politics, some preliminary assessments can be made. Normally, one or...

Konstantin Asmolov

South Korean TV series. Part 2

According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA, while trying to get to Pyongyang, another spy was captured. First, he disguised himself as a Chinese citizen, but later confessed that he is an employee of the National Intelligence Service of Korea. The investigation is still in progress...

Konstantin Asmolov