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North Korea

On the Issue of the "North Korean Slaves"

The past year of 2014 is best remembered for a serious attempt to put pressure on North Korea for its observance of "human rights" in the country. And although the projects of Marzuki Darusman and Sonja Biserko, on the whole, failed, because of...

Konstantin Asmolov

How the Republic of Korea and the United States are afraid of North Korea

We have repeatedly talked about how the US and its allies continue to frighten the world with the North Korean threat, presenting its missiles or nuclear program much like the Death Star from the famous Star Wars films. Today, we'll...

Konstantin Asmolov

Military Potential of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea—Fantasies and Reality

Another report on the military potential of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, issued by the U.S.-Korea Institute (USKI of the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, which...

Konstantin Asmolov