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Japan’s Energy Policy and its Significance for Russia

Just as decades ago, coal remains a strategically important fuel for the world. Despite the constant talk of greenhouse gas emissions and the complete phase-out of coal, the disappearance of this fuel from the market would lead to the collapse of the global economy. It is quite natural that the world’s four major coal consumers, China, India, the USA, and Japan are among...

Petr Konovalov

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and the Future of Japan-ROK Relations

On September 29, 2021, former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida was elected chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. In the second round of voting, he won a landslide victory over the Minister for Administrative Reform Taro Kono by gaining 257 votes against 170. The election of a new chairman took place due to the expiration...

Konstantin Asmolov

Fumio Kishida is Now an Elected Head of Japan’s Ruling Party

On September 29, Japan’s conservative Liberal Democratic Party, which has led the country almost continuously (with two short breaks since the mid 1950s of the last century, held party elections to its leader. In the last 10 years, the LDP, in coalition with the minority Komeito Party, whose ideology is essentially based on Buddhism...

Vladimir Terehov