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Afghanistan Natural Resources Secure Its Developments

Since the dawn of time Afganistan has been considered one of the poorest countries. Perhaps opium poppy and cannabis are the only plants that may be cultivated on its barren lands. Large stocks of its natural resources were kept secret by western monopolies, and the partucular interest of the... 

Vladimir Odintsov

Possible Scenarios for Afghanistan and Security in Central Asia

Over the 4-5 years that have passed since the United States and NATO announced their decision to withdraw the bulk of their forces from Afghanistan, uncertainty has become a major challenge for the countries in the region. However, although early…
Omar Nessar

Afghanistan after 2014. Part 2

The Afghan people’s greatest fear is that after foreign forces withdraw the country will again be plunged into civil war. Some analysts are convinced that the Americans are using the Taliban to further their interest in maintaining a long-term US…
Valeriy Maleev