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Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Extends Someone Else’s Empire to the Caucasus

Just as I was finishing an article about the unusual number of Chechens and Georgians in Ukraine came the news that a new front is about to open in the presumed war of attrition with the Russian Federation. The Islamic...

Henry Kamens

Noah’s Ark Torpedoed in the Middle of Tbilisi

This story could have been written as a takeoff of George Orwell's Animal Farm, with all the escaping zoo animals who feature in it, but out of respect for the dead, both human and animal, I have decided not to go there. The Tbilisi flood isn’t about...

Henry Kamens

Misha Reinvented in Ukraine: Not Safe, But Stupid

Retired tennis champion John McEnroe became famous for throwing tantrums and saying “You can NOT be SERIOUS!” in an anguished voice. What, therefore, should we say when we hear that former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili...

Henry Kamens