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Georgia the NGO Heaven Which is Hell for Everyone Else

Notwithstanding the failed coup plot in Georgia, the real news here these days is a story which will probably slip under the radar: a new NGO is in the making. The one thing this country doesn't need is another...

Henry Kamens

The Georgian Coup Saga … What It Was Really About

Jeffrey Silverman, the Georgia Bureau Chief for Veterans Today, has recently accused the US Ambassador to Georgia, Ian Kelly, of being directly involved in the plot to overthrow the democratically-elected Georgian government. He says that...

Henry Kamens

Georgia: Saakashvili's Goose is Finally Cooked!

Jeffrey Silverman, Georgian Bureau Chief for Veterans Today, Tbilisi, Georgia, has given some rather direct and hard hitting interviews to the Georgian media in recent days, as the efforts to change the Georgian government have run into a snag...

Henry Kamens