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They Lie and Then They Lie Some More

White House press secretary Jen Psaki has denied that the United States was involved in a plot to assassinate Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. So, that’s that, and it must be true if Psaki says it, right? After all, everyone knows that the former US State Department spokeslady and current press secretary of President Joe Biden never lies. Well, seldom...

Phil Butler

The Nasty Secrets Behind Pentagon Treason and America’s Rogue Nuclear Threat

We will begin with a short and painless history lesson. Just before the US entered World War II, General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff for the US Army, was tasked with getting America ready for war. To do so, he removed 30,000 incompetent officers, most of them West Point Graduates, from their positions with the Army...

Gordon Duff

One Minute Before the Chauvin Verdict, Another Cop Murder?

Americans, and those who follow America’s endless circus of police violence, woke up on April 21, 2021 to another police bodycam of the killing of a black teenager. A white police officer, who was called to an altercation at a private home with foster care children, leapt out his car, as the video shows, screaming and shoots a 15-year-old girl 4 times. He does this 3 seconds after...

Gordon Duff