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Terrorism threatens to undermine the tourism industry in Egypt

The policy of the Egyptian military leadership, oriented towards full suppression of the Islamist opposition, led by the banned organization Muslim Brotherhood, has had an opposite effect, since it led those, who do not recognize the legitimacy...

Alexander Orlov

Moscow and Cairo are back together

On 12-13 February 2014, Egypt's Minister of Defence and Military Industry Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nabil Fahmy were on an official visit in Moscow. Apart from negotiations in the 2+2 format with Russia's Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu and Foreign Minister

Stanislav Ivanov

Egyptian political reality: “the devil is in the media coverage”

Now some kind of mutual understanding has been achieved between the ruling military council and the Islamists in Egypt, with the help of the US, a new narrative of that country’s recent past is being written in the State and Islamist media.

Seth Ferris