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Russia and Egypt: Relations Are on the Rise

Amid heightening tensions in the world, the growth of the global economic crisis, and the imposition of unjust sanctions by the West, it is as never before important for Russia to strengthen international political and business ties with its partners. One of...

Viktor Mikhin

Is Egypt being targeted for Arab Spring Version 2.0

Egypt and Russia are actively attempting to broker a peaceful solution to the war on Syria. Egypt has faced armed insurgencies since the 2011 Arab spring which increased after the ousting of Mohamed Morsi. Attacks by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, however...

Christof Lehmann

Egypt and Russia: Expediencies and “Historical Realities” between Old Friends

There has been much commentary on the recent arms sale agreement between Russia and Egypt, announced on 12th August. Analysts have spent pages taking about “strategic balance”, and how Egypt...

Seth Ferris