12.07.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The scientific conference “Challenges and Threats to the Algerian State and Society: History and Modernity”, held recently at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS), brought together specialists representing academic institutions and leading universities in Russia. The agenda included a wide range of topics from Algeria’s energy strategy and its foreign policy to issues of cultural and national identification of society and cooperation between Moscow and Algeria.

08.08.2023 Christopher Black

On September 2018 French President Macron admitted that France had committed war crimes in the Algerian War for Independence that lasted from 1954 to 1962. He acknowledged, as just a single example, the torture of FLN member, Maurice Audin, a communist, who, after being tortured was executed by French military forces, at the age of 25.  Married with three children, he, like many others, disappeared during the Battle of Algiers. A few months earlier, as a presidential candidate, Macron described colonialism as a crime against humanity, but not much later ruled out any chance of reparations…

29.06.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“Moscow-Algeria: closer than ever before,” “Algerian-Russian Axis: New Prospects for Cooperation,” “Summit of Friends.” These and similar headlines in Algerian media reflect the reaction to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s recent state visit to Russia. During the visit, the Russian Federation and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria signed an in-depth strategic partnership declaration, as well as eight separate agreements. These bilateral ties between the two nations are universally referred to be “privileged” by experts. They began in the 1950s, when Algerians were fighting for independence from France’s colonial rule, and Moscow provided…

21.06.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The state visit of the President of Algeria A. Tebbun to Russia, which took place from June 13 to 16, was distinguished by a more than full program, became a serious irritant for the United States, which would not want to see him in the Russian capital. During his trip to the Russian Federation, the Algerian leader held extensive talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and the Russian Prime Minister, spoke at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and signed a number of bilateral agreements with Moscow, including a declaration on a deepened strategic partnership. This document, according to President Putin…

31.05.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
Regarding the Foreign Policy of Algeria (PDRA) in Present Conditions

Recently, there has been an increase in Algeria’s efforts on the foreign policy track, which is associated with a significant growth in the profitability of energy supplies to the EU against the background of the rejection of Russian gas by the Europeans. The sharp increase in financial opportunities has contributed to the development of activity in the field of regional policy of the PDRA, which is making significant efforts to combat terrorism and Islamic extremism. In this regard, the country’s government has sought to expand its interaction with neighboring countries in the region…

18.06.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

It is now clear to all that the gas war the US and Europe unleashed against Russia, has been lost by the “collective West”. Moscow managed to push “gas for rubles”, forcing the EU to “reverse gear” by agreeing to Russia’s terms. European companies can now pay for Russian gas in rubles, which would not be considered a violation of sanctions, according...

22.04.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Algeria is estimated by the EU to be the fifth largest supplier of gas to the EU at around 45 bcm, representing 12% of EU countries’ natural gas needs, but this has fallen since 2016 (when it reached 55 bcm per year). Algeria’s share is far behind that of top-ranking Russia (135.75 bcm in 2020, according to Gazprom).  In addition to LNG (there are a couple of hubs in the PDRA...

29.01.2022 Vladimir Danilov

In a January briefing with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, on the eve of his talks with Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, said Russia was allegedly becoming a “destabilizing force”. In making this assessment of Russia’s policies, Macron was certainly following instructions from Washington to actively deploy anti-Russian rhetoric...

11.11.2021 Henry Kamens

It is better to produce an article on the outcome of the UN’s COP26 climate summit now, whilst it is still taking place in Glasgow, as by the time it ends on 12 November my predictions will stand in retrospect. But the first question to ask is, what is it? Why are these summits being held, other than to make world leaders feel important, and give them the opportunity to do side deals which have nothing to do...

08.10.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Emmanuel Macron, the eighth president of France, during his four and a half years in the Elysee Palace has shown himself to be a very active politician, and sometimes even very controversial as are his numerous public speeches. After becoming President of France, Macron refused the annual traditional interview on the day of the national holiday, July 14. As Le Monde...

29.08.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

“Algeria has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Morocco as of August 24,” Algerian Foreign Minister Ramdan Lamamra told a news conference, accusing the neighboring kingdom of “hostile actions.” Although the termination of diplomatic relations has already taken effect, consulates in each country will nevertheless...

21.06.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

Algeria remains one of the few countries in the Arab world that has retained the ability to conduct an independent foreign policy and has not been affected by destabilization. The situation in this country remains relatively stable, despite the noticeable deterioration of its economic situation and the decline in the cost of energy resources on world markets, the fall of Algerian gas production...