06.04.2013 Ekaterina Ryzhkova
Political activists have recently begun increasingly performing acts that greatly harm public morality in order to create instability in individual countries and even entire regions. Actions by the group FEMEN are a striking example of that. Following Pussy Riot’s attacks…
05.04.2013 Valeriy Maleev
The situation in and around Afghanistan has been attracting international attention for quite a few years now. Many observers are particularly concerned about what the NATO troop withdrawal planned for 2014 means for the region. Most recognize that Pakistani-US relations…
02.04.2013 Konstantin Penzev
Extortionists attempting to direct a real fight for nature conservation into a political channel favorable to certain circles are increasingly being put to use in economic and political competition. There was a time when communist states building a progressive society…
27.03.2013 Редактор проекта
Arab scholarly circles have become much more interested in the future of political Islam and the role it plays in current events since the Arab Spring began. That is evident from the growing number of forums and meetings and the…
22.03.2013 Vladimir Shmakov
With US President Barack Obama’s visit to the region in the background, the Syrian opposition using an accusation that Damascus has employed chemical weapons to provoke United States to intervene militarily in the Syrian conflict. The opposition knows full well…
17.03.2013 Konstantin Penzev
Before we continue our conversation about the links between Islamist extremists and Western government agencies, let us briefly review a few conclusions from previous articles about what came out of the Arab spring. First of all, it is no secret…
05.03.2013 Rais Suleymanov
On March 4, 2013, Tatarstan’s capital hosted a meeting of the Kazan Expert Club of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) with the theme "The Impact of Events in Syria on Russian Muslims." It was organized by RISI’S Volga…
27.02.2013 Viktor Mikhin
The talks between the P5+1 — the UN Security Council members plus Germany — and the Iranian delegation are scheduled for February 26 and will be held in Kazakhstan’s former capital and chief business center — Almaty. This will be…
25.02.2013 Viktor Mikhin
Some very interesting news about Iran has come out of London. At the talks on the Iranian nuclear problem between the P5+1 (permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) and Tehran’s representatives scheduled for February 26 in Almaty,…
03.01.2013 Vitaly Bilan
The “Russians” are coming The issue of “Russian” Israelis has reemerged in the Israeli media as the early parliamentary elections scheduled for January 22 approach and Likud allies itself with the Russian party, Israel Our Home  More oil was poured…
15.06.2012 Dmitry Mosyakov

East and South-East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole are moving towards an increasingly evident and dangerous confrontation between the United States on the one hand and China on the other. Both countries aspire to dominance...