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On resignation of Chang Sung-taek and what can accompany it

As it was reported on December 3, 2013, by the deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea from the opposition Democratic Party, Chon Chung Ne, with reference to the National Intelligence Service of the RK, the uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un...

Konstantin Asmolov

Obama's new plan for Middle East peace process

As reported by the leader of the leftist party Meretz, Zahava Gal-On to the influential Israeli newspaper Haaretz, in January next year, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama would present its own plan for the “final” settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. ..

Alexander Efimov

Uncle Sam, the Hardcore Weapons Trafficker

A Georgian film studio house is now producing an independent documentary film which will explore the role of the United States in the Caucasus region, the plot being based on documents which are now part of criminal investigations. It will also investigate serious allegations of weapons...

Henry Kamens