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Syrian cycles

No matter how Saudi Arabia and its Western allies try to turn the tide of the war in Syria, the situation remains largely under the control of Damascus. Troops loyal to Assad are not allowing insurgents and terrorists to achieve a breakthrough in the fighting. Moreover, the Syrian Army...

Alexander Orlov

New face of the Middle East after the Arab Spring

It's been three years after the beginning of the “Arab spring” that initially started in Tunisia and was immediately followed by a number of “colour revolutions”. Those “revolutionary” processes, that were fueled by the Wahhabite monarchies and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, has become...

Petr Lvov

 Syria: West begins to understand its mistakes

SyriaIf we speak about the elimination of chemical weapons owned by Syria, then we can say significant progress has been made, but the question of an international conference on the settlement of the Syrian conflict remains open. B. Assad is not going to send to the Geneva-2 Conference…

Viktor Titov