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US Policy on Syria regresses to its original track

The US is again positioning itself to attack Syria. The initial response by President Obama to the alleged gas attack in Damascus on August 21, 2013 was to authorize a targeted military strike against the war torn country.

Janet Phelan

USA – The Organizer of International Terror. Part 1

The question of “Who is the main fighter against international terrorism?” may seem naive to a person who believes that President Obama tells the truth in his speeches. Judging by the declarations, regularly thrown out by the Washington Administration from...

Konstantin Penzev

Russia and the Middle East: the process of “concentration” has ended

International analysts have started paying increasingly more attention to the role of modern Russia in the Middle East in recent years. The title of this article brings to mind the words of Prince Alexander Gorchakov (1798-1883, an outstanding Russian diplomat... 

Alexander Efimov