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US and the Problem of Being a Geopolitical Prom Queen

I have some bad news for the United States. Russia doesn’t listen to America. Unfortunately, I have worse news: contrary to what many specialists, analysts, and commentators across the transatlantic community may think, it is not because Russia is trying to rekindle the Cold War or desperately grasping at whatever remnants of old Soviet power it used to have...

Matthew Crosston

Zbig Brzezinski and his identification

For a long time – probably two or three years after the beginning of the “Arab Revolutions” in Tunisia in late 2010 – something seemed wrong with the picture of events. There was a feeling that they were chaotic, and that everything was happening too spontaneously to be...

Pogos Anastasov

US Attempts to Vilify Russia are Astounding Hypocrisy

In the wake of the West's horrifying handiwork in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, condemnation for Russia's "intervention" falls flat.  For all intents and purposes, "intervention" in Ukraine has already been carried out. without the extensive...

Tony Cartalucci