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US Forsakes Gay Saudi Diplomat: A Story of Western Hypocrisy

While human right crusades are dominated by headlines involving the "homophobic" Russian government and tales of homosexuals being strung up across Iran, there is a larger...

Tony Cartalucci

Oman-Iran: preconditions for the creation of a new union

Oman-Iran relations are seeing a remarkable recovery in the last few months. Recently Oman was paid an official government visit by an Iranian delegation led by President Hassan Rouhani. This visit is very important for the Persian Gulf Region. This is the first...

Viktor Mikhin

Results of the first year of Park Geun-hye's presidency

It has been a year since Park Geun-hye became President of the Republic of Korea (RK. Although the year was spent in expectations and personnel changes that are so typical for South-Korean politics, some preliminary assessments can be made. Normally, one or...

Konstantin Asmolov