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Arab League Out-of-its-League in Syrian Fiasco

According to conventional wisdom, the UN and regional bodies are supposed to be at the cutting edge of trying to prevent and resolve conflicts. They must be supported to fulfill that role, as when they fail to do so, innocents suffer. All this however assumes that the...

Seth Ferris

Syria's Victory Is Turning Point For Western Global Hegemony

Since 2011, Syria has been the target of an attempted foreign-backed regime change. Riding on the momentum of the US-engineered "Arab Spring," protesters took to the streets across Syria, serving as cover for armed militants the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia...

Tony Cartalucci

Flight 370, Terrorism Derailed

Some stories never seem to go away and some stories should never go away. When dealing with the mysterious disappearance nearly a month ago of Malaysian Airlines flight 370, the story has expanded due to continuing media lies and quality independent...

Gordon Duff