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Setting the Stage for War With Pakistan

Attempts to paint Pakistan as a dangerous enemy of the West and a prime candidate for military intervention has been made once again by those in the Western media. ABC News, in an article titled, "'Double dealing': How Pakistan hid Osama Bin Laden from the...

Tony Cartalucci

Crimean factor in the Russia-Turkey relations

Until the Ukrainian crisis Turkey preferred to maintain a balanced approached to the Black Sea region without speeding up the process of accepting Georgia and Ukraine as NATO members up. The Montreux Convention was of strategic importance for both Russia...

Andrei Boldyrev

How the West Gassed Thousands to Death in Damascus

The bombshell report by Pulitzer Prize-winning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh titled, "The Red Line and the Rat Line," contains many shocking revelations for those following the West's version of reality regarding the Syrian conflict...

Tony Cartalucci