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The Truth of Libya (Finally) Goes Mainstream

More than three years after the US and its NATO allies unleashed an “intervention” and regime change in Libya, the US establishment admits they maybe have “got it wrong.” Naturally, there were many of us who were demonized endlessly for speaking out against that war, and...

Eric Draitser

International conflict is getting more violent in Iraq

The last 2 days saw intense fighting between the militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS and the government troops of Nouri al-Maliki near the administrative center of the predominantly Sunni province of Diyala – the Baqubah city...

Alexander Orlov

US vs Syria: How to Lose a War in 3 Years

The government in Damascus and the Syrian Arab Army have begun restoring order across the country after over 3 years of devastating fighting. The so-called "capital of the revolution," the city of Homs, has been reclaimed by government forces and people have begun returning home...

Tony Cartalucci