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So, You Want to Know the Truth About 9/11?

In recent weeks, intelligence agencies of France, Russia and Britain along with key members of the UN’s nuclear non-proliferation organization, the IAEA, have leaked critical documents outlining not only that 9/11 was a nuclear event but the science and...

Gordon Duff

Ukraine: Kiev's Ticking Time Bomb

After a brief ceasefire, Kiev has resumed the bombardment of populated centers in the eastern breakaway provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk, both bordering with neighboring Russia. Kiev and its Western backers face a confounding dilemma...

Tony Cartalucci

The global implications of the Iraq crisis

These days, when Europe and the Middle East are remembering the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, a few historians and political scientists are giving due attention to the study of the effects of the Sykes - Picot...

Petr Lvov