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Geopolitical aspects of the RIMPAC 2014 naval exercises

The world’s largest naval exercises, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC, are currently being held in the Pacific Ocean. They began on June 26 and will continue until August 1, 2014. This year they include 49 ships, 6 submarines, over 200 planes and 25,000 military personnel from...

Vladimir Terehov

Iraq: Blowback Blackwater-Style

When we think about the term "blowback," we think of the rogues gallery of foreign mercenary forces the United States has created or exploited over the decades who invariably end up turning on their creators. The most prominent among these is Al Qaeda who...

Ulson Gunnar

The Evolution of US War Propaganda

In the 1984, millions of people in movie audiences in the US were subjected to a right-wing action movie entitled “Red Dawn.” The film depicted a Soviet-Cuban-Nicaraguan invasion of the United States. It starred Patrick Swayze as a leader...

Caleb Maupin