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Azerbaijan: Subversion and the Possibility of Realignment

There is a perception among political observers who monitor the Caspian region that Azerbaijan is a staunch ally of the West, that its military and intelligence cooperation with the West, coupled with its reliance on Western...

Eric Draitser

Are there Human Rights Violations in North Korea?

We have previously discussed the Report on Human Rights in North Korea. Yet, it has to be reexamined with the UN to hold a meeting in order to push an anti-Kim Jong-un agenda forward which may lead to the prosecution of  DPRK’s supreme leader in...

Konstantin Asmolov

West touting ‘classified’ evidence to avoid impartial MH17 investigation

Western governments insist that Ukrainian rebels assisted by Russia were responsible for shooting down flight MH17, but they are unwilling to disclose their evidence and explain their methodologies. As the enquiry...

Nile Bowie