16.11.2014 Gordon Duff

Al Jazeera has released a film depicting Israel's role in the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 and America's despicable cowardice in failing to seek retribution.  America doomed itself, any student of history open to these facts and so many others, facts that...

16.11.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

Inter-Korean relations are under strain once more following the distribution by South Koreans of anti-North Korean leaflets north of the border. The North Koreans constantly demand that this practice is stopped. However, Seoul’s official response to the threats...

15.11.2014 Christof Lehmann

Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott's promise to shirt front Putin over MAS MH17 turned out to be a bluff, and Abbott's rejection of the Chinese chartered Asia...

14.11.2014 Henry Kamens

We have a very entertaining situation in Georgia right now, with sackings and resignations in the government and a firestorm of recriminations concerning these. Such instability, even if temporary, would appear to make Georgia a less reliable partner than yesterday...

14.11.2014 Alexander Orlov

While in Washington they stubbornly pretend that the United States is merely fighting against international terrorism manifested in ISIL in Syria and Iraq, in reality the White House is actively preparing for an operation to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad in...

13.11.2014 Nile Bowie

Upon becoming general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC in 2012, President Xi Jinping put forward a frank assessment that endemic corruption among party elites and cadres threatens to delegitimize the reform process and undermine the CPC’s rule...

13.11.2014 Vladimir Belyakov

The Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on November 6 in an interview with RIA Novosti that an Egyptian Free Trade Agreement with the Customs Union could be signed next year. Negotiations to this effect have been conducted since spring. Shoukry also noted the mutual...

12.11.2014 Caleb Maupin

Volydymyr Parasiuk is no peace-loving freedom fighter. He is a 26-year-old armed fascist thug, who has commanded a battalion of Ukrainian “volunteers” to slaughter their own country folk. Parasiuk admits he was a member of...

12.11.2014 Catherine Shakdam

If many have mocked Ali Reza Zakani’s comments on Saudi Arabia’s imminent fall and what he described as the “disintegration of Al Saud tribe” last September, branding his boasting of Iran’s political successes in the region as overblown and groundless...

11.11.2014 Viktor Titov

Saudi Arabia has recently witnessed the aggression that should have happened sooner or later due to its short-sighted policy in Syria, Iraq and Iran. As an old saying goes: "If you dig a hole for others, you're sure to fall in it yourself." A few days ago the Saudi town...

10.11.2014 Petr Lvov

In his speech at a meeting of the Valdai Club on October 24 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin made a number of frank, sharp remarks regarding US policies. In fact, the Russian leader made it clear that the United States and the West were presented with two options: they...

10.11.2014 Tony Cartalucci

US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria. Such an army is being built in Iraq and Turkey and it's called "ISIS."  The corporate-financier funded and directed policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, has served as one of several...