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Case of Badri Patarkatsishvili “Heating Up” into History of Money Laundering

In many cases a second tier story is the one that should be getting the press, as breaking news but doesn’t because it is not the one closer to the West – the same West which until recently always maintain that Saudi Arabia and its Royal Family...

Henry Kamens

Khashoggi Case Triggered Geopolitical Tectonic Shifts

The recent murder of the prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi that has become universally recognized across the world for the pieces he would pen for Washington Post has revealed a number of facts that remained unapparent for the Western public for a long while. As it's...

Martin Berger

Europe and the Post-INF Scenario

While the Trump administration’s decision to end the Intermediate Range Nuclear (INF) treaty has certainly sent the world into a ‘strategic shock’, the biggest shock is certainly in Europe, which was always the primary beneficiary of this treaty. It had…
Salman Rafi Sheikh