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Warsaw Conference – Is the US Coalition Pre-staging War with Iran?

As we approach the start of the Warsaw conference it is time to read the teas on what to expect. I had to wait a day or two later than I wanted to write this because so much of the Foreign minister attendee list was still up in the air when that was needed to gauge the initial...

Jim Dean

France and Italy Set at Odds by Failed EU Elites

In news from Paris today, the French have warned Italy's Deputy Premier, Luigi Di Maio, to stop “interfering” in France’s political process. The caution came after a meeting Di Maio had with after he met a senior figure in France's Gilets Jaunes, 'yellow vest' movement. As tensions...

Phil Butler

Yemen: US “Accidentally” Arming Al Qaeda (Again)

US weapons are once again falling into the hands of militants fighting in one of Washington's many proxy wars - this time in Yemen - the militants being fighters of local Al Qaeda affiliates. CNN in its article, "Sold to…
Tony Cartalucci