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Another Reason for Washington in Venezuela?

Many myself among them have pointed to the vast hydrocarbon reserves of Venezuela as a possible driving motive behind the otherwise bizarre Washington intervention in Venezuela. The more I look into the situation, the more I suspect a quite other explanation for the intervention from a President who campaigned on...

F. William Engdahl

Dissecting Washington's Color Revolution Techniques

As it’s been pointed out by a number of prominent statisticians, over the last hundred years Washington has interfered in the internal affairs of at least 50 countries for a total of 130 individual cases. As for the last three decades, there’s been more than 40 instances of such interference, including cases of elections meddling and fraud, coup d’etats...

Grete Mautner

Deadly Misconceptions that Drive Chaos

Events are already in motion, Britain and France are likely to join the US in a war on Iran with a timetable somewhere around early May or late April 2018 in the works. Only the casus belli is yet to be determined but if events follow those of the last two decades, there is a list of false flag events sitting on John Bolton’s desk...

Gordon Duff